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Seeking Calligrapher for Japanese Certificates

The CKF is seeking a Calligrapher for its Japanese Certificates. This is a paid position and is required twice a year during certificate time. A great opportunity to share your talent with an organization continuing to promote its Japanese-Canadian heritage. Please...

$5685 Raised to Make a Change in 2022

A Word of Thanks to Our Donors in 2021 Merci à nos donateurs et donatrices en 2021 The CKF Board extends its gratitude to the donors who made a contribution to our "Make a Change in 2022" donation drive. We are pleased to announce that our generous community donated a...

Make a Change in 2022 – Donate to the CKF by December 31st

As the year comes to an end, we are reaching out to the Kendo community to support the ongoing activities of the Canadian Kendo Federation in 2022. This fall, we were able to hold gradings in Kendo, Iaido, and Jodo in cities across Canada. These were the first...

Jodo Report

This report was prepared for the 2021 AGM by Pamela Morgan, BOD member.


2025 Spring/Summer Gradings

Please check this FAQ for how to login and register for an exam. Thank you for your patience. *********** Please note that written...

2024 Fall/Winter Gradings

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2024 Spring/Summer Gradings

Registration for Spring/Summer gradings will be available shortly. Please check the FAQ for how to login and register for an exam. Thank...

2023 Fall Gradings

Registration is now open for the gradings through the CKF's new membership system. Please check the FAQ for how to login and register for...

Spring/Summer Gradings

Registration is now open for the following gradings. Please note that written examinations are due on the same date as the registration...

Jodo in Canada – Then and Now

The study of ZNKR Jodo in Canada, through the Canadian Kendo Federation, began in the mid-1990s. As interest grew and more members began studying Jodo, Matsuo Haruna sensei invited Katsuhiko Ide sensei to come to teach jodo at the Guelph Spring Seminar, adding jodo to the long-running iaido seminar. Since then, the CKF has invited sensei from the ZNKR Jodo section to teach at the Guelph Spring Seminar each year and also for various Fall seminars and to participate in CKF Jodo gradings.

The first CKF grading was held in Guelph in May of 2000 under the supervision of Shigenori Namitome sensei. In 2017, the first high level (6dan+) grading was held at the Guelph Spring Seminar. At this grading, the first four Canadian Jodo 6th Dans passed:

Kim Taylor sensei (CKF Jodo National Chief Examiner) – Sei Do Kai, Guelph
Eric Tribe sensei (CKF Jodo Eastern Examiner) – Rai Un Kai, Thunder Bay
Ed Chart sensei – Takahashi Dojo, Ottawa
Kimeda Takeshi sensei

Photo of Groendal sensei and Taylor sensei courtesy of Siebren Kwekkenboom

Jodo in Canada

Learning Jodo in Canada

Jodo is the smallest of the three Canadian Kendo Federation arts and as a result, it tends to be a tight-knit and familiar community. It teaches the use of two weapons: the tachi (sword) and the jo (a 128cm long staff) with the jo being the main weapon, practiced in partner kata against the tachi.

The jo is a complex and versatile weapon and the main goal is to control and subdue the swordsman without using lethal force.

Aims and Effects of Learning Jodo (from the All Japan Kendo Federation Jodo Instruction Manual, April 2017 1.3)

The principal purpose of practicing Jodo is to cultivate the spirit and train the body. As the techniques work on the minds and the limbs, they cultivate the spirit.

Jodo training brings about many results, of which the following five may be described as the main ones:

  1. A spirit of respect, loyalty, sincerity and endurance is cultivated.
  2. Strengthens the body and quickens the actions.
  3. Posture and attitude are improved.
  4. Judging and decision-making abilities are cultivated, thereby allowing you to face matters with confidence.
  5. Relationships with others improve, and the ability to cooperate with others that is necessary for today’s lifestyle is cultivated.

To Find a Dojo, see the link at the top of this page. For more information about Jodo please feel free to contact Pam Morgan, Jodo Members’ Secretary.


The CKF Jodo Curriculum Consists of the Following


Twelve ZNKR Kihon (Basics) – Tandoku and Sotai Dosa (Solo and with a Partner)

  1. Honte Uchi (Normal Hand Strike)
  2. Gyakute Uchi (Reverse Hand Strike)
  3. Hikiotoshi Uchi (Pull, Drop and Strike)
  4. Kaeshi Tsuki (Turn Over and Thrust)
  5. Gyakute Tsuki (Reverse Hand Thrust)
  6. Maki Otoshi (Rolling Drop)
  7. Kuri Tsuke (Catch and Pin)
  8. Kuri Hanashi (Catch and Throw)
  9. Tai Atari (Body Strike)
  10. Tsuki Hazushi Uchi (Thrust Evade and Strike)
  11. Do Barai Uchi (Body Sweep and Strike)
  12.  Tai Hazushi Uchi (Body Evade and Strike)

Twelve ZNKR Jodo Kata (Forms, with a Partner)

  1. Tsuki Zue (Reaching Stick)
  2. Suigetsu (Solar Plexus)
  3. Hissage (Hidden Stick)
  4. Shamen (Side Head)
  5. Sakan (Seeing Into the Left)
  6. Monomi (Looking Out, Watchman)
  7. Kasumi (Mist)
  8. Tachi Otoshi (Dropping on the Sword)
  9. Rai Uchi (Thunder Strike)
  10. Seigan (Straight to the Eyes)
  11. Midare Dome (Stopping Confusion)
  12. Ran Ai (Uniting with Chaos)