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Ka Muso Kai Zoom Seminar Information

Member Dojo Event: Ka Muso Kai Calgary invites you to participate in a two-day Iaido and Jodo seminar online August 14 - 16, 2020 via Zoom. Jodo kyu gradings will be offered to those Jodo Canada Members interested in challenging for rank on Sunday at 2:30 PM MDT. We...

2020 Spring and Summer Gradings Cancelled

In light of the growing COVID-19 health crisis in Canada, the CKF has officially cancelled all Kendo, Iaido, and Jodo gradings planned for the spring and summer of 2020.

2019 Fall Gradings

Fall grading registration is open, please check the dates below. Remember to get proper authorization from your Sensei first, then ask the Dojo Administrator to unlock the grading application form for you. Please DO NOT wait until the last minute. If you have problems...

CKF Annual General Meeting

The CKF Annual General Meeting 2019 will be held online this year from Wednesday, August 14 through Friday, August 16, 2019. Please ensure that a dojo representative visits the Google Group by August 17th and records their attendance in the chat. You must have a...

Upcoming iaido and jodo seminars

There will be a three-day Iaido and Jodo seminar with Taylor-sensei, and Jodo grading from ikkyu to nidan, August 16 - 18 in Calgary, AB. Please see the invitation letter and registration form. Registration for grading is separate, please see below for details. There...

Summer Jodo Exam / Examen jodo d’été

Summer grading registration is open, please check the dates below. Remember to get proper authorization from your Sensei first, then ask the Dojo Administrator to unlock the grading application form for you. Please DO NOT wait until the last minute. If you have...

Guelph Seminar 2019

The CKF International Spring Jodo and Iaido Seminar will be held over the May long weekend in Guelph. Pre-registration for this event is open until May 1. See here to register and for further details. There will be a jodo grading for ikkyu through yondan inclusive in...

Spring and summer Exams / Examens de printemps et d’été

Spring and summer grading registration is open, please check the dates below. Remember to get proper authorization from your Sensei first, then ask the Dojo Administrator to unlock the grading application form for you. Please DO NOT wait until the last minute. If you...

Winter Exams / Examens d’hiver

Winter grading registration is open, please check the dates below. Remember to get proper authorization from your Sensei first, then ask the Dojo Administrator to unlock the grading application form for you. Please DO NOT wait until the last minute. If you have...

Fall Jodo Seminars

There will be jodo seminars held in Montreal and Mississauga this fall. September 1-2: Montreal Jodo Seminar September 22-23: Mississauga Jodo Koryu Seminar November 23-25: Mississauga Jodo Seminar and Grading Grading registration will be open soon.